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Community Tools and Resources

There are a multitude of tools and services available to help with the creation, implementation, and consumption of GBFS. Below is an extensive, although by no means exhaustive, list of tools and services.

  • GBFS Validator: The Canonical GBFS Validator is a tool to check the conformity of a GBFS feed against the official specification including past releases and release candidates.
  • JSON Schemas: A set of JSON schemas is available for each version of the specification as well as the current release candidate. The Canonical GBFS Validator is based on these schemas.
  • Dataset Catalog: There are now over 1000 shared mobility systems publishing GBFS worldwide. A catalog of these GBFS feeds is maintained by the GBFS community on the GBFS repo. This is an incomplete list. If you have or are aware of a feed that does not appear on the list please add it.


Language bindings for GBFS

  • Java: GBFS types in Java. Developed by Entur, hosted by MobilityData.
  • TypeScript: GBFS types in TypeScript. Hosted by MobilityData.
  • Rust: GBFS types in Rust. Maintained by Fluctuo.
  • R: GBFS types in R.


  • BikeshareClient: dotnet client for GBFS written in C#. Enables dotnet developers to create apps and services using data from GBFS Bikeshare systems.
  • Java Version Mapper: Java implementation of mapping between different versions of GBFS (bidirectional). Maintained by Entur.
  • Java Feed Loader: Java implementation to manage loading of GBFS feeds and updating them based on their ttl and last_updated fields. Maintained by Entur.


Third Party GBFS URL Directories

  • Bike Share Research: BSR aims to facilitate the curation of bikeshare service data through collaborative and open data platforms while making it API accessible.
  • Lamassu: Mobility aggregation service. Maintained by Entur.

Proprietary (non-standard) Vendor APIs

  • CityBikes: REST API for aggregated bikeshare data from around the world. Powered by pyBikes.
  • fluctuo Data Flow: Realtime vehicles location API. Exhaustive and reliable standardized data on free-floating mobility services available in real-time.

Software for Creating APIs

  • lamassu: GBFS aggregation service, which aggregates, optionally enhances, and republishes any number of GBFS feeds. Also, provides a GraphQL API and performs on-the-fly validation.

  • mapintelligenceagency/gbfsQL: Wraps any number of GBFS feeds into an easily consumable GraphQL API. Merges relevant feeds and supports real-time updates for clients via Websockets/GraphQL Subscriptions.

  • OneBusAway: A Java app that consumes GTFS and GTFS-Realtime (along with other formats) and turns them into an easy to use REST API.

  • OpenTripPlanner: An open source platform for multi-modal and multi-agency journey planning, as well as returning information about a multi-modal graph (using data sources such as GTFS and OpenStreetMap).

  • pyBikes: Software powering CityBikes for worldwide bikeshare system info.


Web Apps

  • Bikeshare Map: Global real-time maps of bikeshare systems around the world.
  • Meddin Bike-sharing World Map: A map of the world's bike share services.
  • CityMapper Webapp: Webapp with trip planner and route status for over 30 cities.
  • OpenTripPlanner Client GWT: A Google Web Toolkit-based web interface for OpenTripPlanner.
  • OpenTripPlanner.json: A Javascript-based client for OpenTripPlanner.
  • 1-Click: A virtual “trip aggregator” that assembles information on a wide variety of available modes: public transit, private, rail, rideshare, carpool, volunteer, paratransit, and walking and baking. Open-source on GitHub.

Native Apps (open source)

Native Apps (closed source)



  • GBFS Validator: The Canonical GBFS Validator is a tool to check the conformity of a GBFS feed against the official specification including past releases and release candidates.
  • Go Validator: Go implementation of client, server and validator for GBFS
  • Java Validator: Java implementation of validator for GBFS. Maintained by Entur.

Other Multimodal Data Formats