Community Tools and Resources¶
There are a multitude of tools and services available to help with the creation, implementation, and consumption of GBFS. Below is an extensive, although by no means exhaustive, list of tools and services.
Quick Links¶
- GBFS Validator: The Canonical GBFS Validator is a tool to check the conformity of a GBFS feed against the official specification including past releases and release candidates.
- JSON Schemas: A set of JSON schemas is available for each version of the specification as well as the current release candidate. The Canonical GBFS Validator is based on these schemas.
- Dataset Catalog: There are now over 1000 shared mobility systems publishing GBFS worldwide. A catalog of these GBFS feeds is maintained by the GBFS community on the GBFS repo. This is an incomplete list. If you have or are aware of a feed that does not appear on the list please add it.
Language bindings for GBFS¶
- Java: GBFS types in Java. Developed by Entur, hosted by MobilityData.
- TypeScript: GBFS types in TypeScript. Hosted by MobilityData.
- Rust: GBFS types in Rust. Maintained by Fluctuo.
- R: GBFS types in R.
- BikeshareClient: dotnet client for GBFS written in C#. Enables dotnet developers to create apps and services using data from GBFS Bikeshare systems.
- Java Version Mapper: Java implementation of mapping between different versions of GBFS (bidirectional). Maintained by Entur.
- Java Feed Loader: Java implementation to manage loading of GBFS feeds and updating them based on their ttl and last_updated fields. Maintained by Entur.
Third Party GBFS URL Directories¶
- Bike Share Research: BSR aims to facilitate the curation of bikeshare service data through collaborative and open data platforms while making it API accessible.
- Lamassu: Mobility aggregation service. Maintained by Entur.
Proprietary (non-standard) Vendor APIs¶
- CityBikes: REST API for aggregated bikeshare data from around the world. Powered by pyBikes.
- fluctuo Data Flow: Realtime vehicles location API. Exhaustive and reliable standardized data on free-floating mobility services available in real-time.
Software for Creating APIs¶
lamassu: GBFS aggregation service, which aggregates, optionally enhances, and republishes any number of GBFS feeds. Also, provides a GraphQL API and performs on-the-fly validation.
mapintelligenceagency/gbfsQL: Wraps any number of GBFS feeds into an easily consumable GraphQL API. Merges relevant feeds and supports real-time updates for clients via Websockets/GraphQL Subscriptions.
OneBusAway: A Java app that consumes GTFS and GTFS-Realtime (along with other formats) and turns them into an easy to use REST API.
OpenTripPlanner: An open source platform for multi-modal and multi-agency journey planning, as well as returning information about a multi-modal graph (using data sources such as GTFS and OpenStreetMap).
pyBikes: Software powering CityBikes for worldwide bikeshare system info.
Web Apps¶
- Bikeshare Map: Global real-time maps of bikeshare systems around the world.
- Meddin Bike-sharing World Map: A map of the world's bike share services.
- CityMapper Webapp: Webapp with trip planner and route status for over 30 cities.
- OpenTripPlanner Client GWT: A Google Web Toolkit-based web interface for OpenTripPlanner.
- OpenTripPlanner.json: A Javascript-based client for OpenTripPlanner.
- 1-Click: A virtual “trip aggregator” that assembles information on a wide variety of available modes: public transit, private, rail, rideshare, carpool, volunteer, paratransit, and walking and baking. Open-source on GitHub.
Native Apps (open source)¶
- findmybikes: an Android app for trip planning and automatic recording (source code).
- MonTransit: an Android app for trip planning and automatic recording (source code).
- OneBusAway
- OpenTripPlanner
Native Apps (closed source)¶
- GBFS/Open Data Viewer: Visualize micromobility and other open data.
- GBFS-Viewer: View micromobility data in your browser.
- GBFS Validation and Visualization: The French NAP has developed a web interface to visualise GBFS feeds.
- GBFS Validator: The Canonical GBFS Validator is a tool to check the conformity of a GBFS feed against the official specification including past releases and release candidates.
- Go Validator: Go implementation of client, server and validator for GBFS
- Java Validator: Java implementation of validator for GBFS. Maintained by Entur.
Other Multimodal Data Formats¶
Alliance for Parking Data Standards (APDS): Formed by the International Parking Institute, the British Parking Association, and the European Parking Association, APDS is a not-for-profit organization with the mission to develop, promote, manage, and maintain a uniform global standard that will allow organizations to share parking data across platforms worldwide.
City Data Standard - Mobility: An open data standard for data exchange between cities and shared mobility operators.
Data Standards and Guidance for Transportation Planning and Traffic Operations: Standards and/or guidance to be used and adopted by the transportation community collecting, managing, an sharing status and real-time data for transportation planning and operations.
Dyno-Demand: A GTFS-based travel demand data format focusing on individual passenger demand suitable for dynamic network modelling developed by San Francisco County Transportation Authority, LMZ LLC, and Urban Labs LLC.
Dyno-Path: (Under development) Data from individual passenger trajectories.
General Transit Feed Specification: A GTFS feed is a group of text files that contains infrequently changing transit data, like stops, routes, trips, and other schedule data. Transit agencies typically update their GTFS feed every few months.
General Travel Network Specification: A planned data specification for sharing travel demand model networks.
Managed and Tolled Lanes Feed Specification (MTLFS): Proposal for a schema that comprises of MTLFS and defined the field used in all of those files developed by Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority.
Mobility as a Service API: A set of open documents and test suite that defines a MaaS-compatible API.
Mobility Data Specification: A project of the Open Mobility Foundation (OMF), MDS is a set of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) focused on shared mobility services such as dockless scooters, bicycles, mopeds, and carshare. Inspired by projects like GTFS and GBFS, MDS is a digital tool that helps cities better manage transportation in the public right of way.
NeTex: A general purpose XML format designed for the exchange of complex static transport data among distributed systems managed by the CEN standards process.
SAE Shared Mobility: Standardized terms and taxonomy for shared mobility services.
TOMP- API: Transport Operator Mobility-as-a-service Provider (TOMP) API development Github.
Transactional Data Specifications for Transportation Planning and Traffic Operations: Technical specifications for transactional data for entities involved in the provision of demand-responsive transportation.
Transit ITS Data Exchange Specification (TIDES) Project: A proposed effort to create standard data structures, APIs, and data management tools for historical transit ITS data including AVL, APC, and AFC Data.